Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Aura Colors

Aura Colors

Check your Aura color

Spirit contact source

Spirit contact source

Updated to follow current trends

Deity spiritual healing request

Deity spiritual healing request

Rephrased the heading from "Archangel" to "Deity" to make gender neutral. A checklist for receiving instructions from our personal Deity to make spiritual healing requests for others.

Physical healing request

Physical healing request

For all your physical healing requests. Updated from previous chart

Focus Now

Focus Now

What to focus on right now

Dowsing Status and Causes

Dowsing Status and Causes

Use this chart before dowsing, for accuracy.

Advanced Hair Loss Diagnosis

Advanced Hair Loss Diagnosis

Contributing Factors Towards Hair Loss

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity Chart

Personal Radiesthetic Colour

Personal Radiesthetic Colour

A chart for indicating persoanl radiesthetic colour. Children should be in the Spring section, adults in Summer and Autumn and later years Winter or according to health. For greatest vitality in adults it should be in Summer/Autumn.

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 Details of chart

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