Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Occult spells chart 2

Occult spells chart 2

Identify the occult spells that are affecting you.

Pendulum Time Chart

Pendulum Time Chart

Ask your guides/energy to be with you Set your intention/ask your “show me” question Hold your pendulum in your right hand over the centre of the mat Ask your question Be very watchful of your pendulum to see the way it swings The pendulum will swing towards one of the answer written on the mat Give thanks to your guides/energy Cleanse yourself and pendulum after use

Homeopathy remedy 4 sight improvement

Homeopathy remedy 4 sight improvement

Chart to identify top homeopathy remedies to Improve yours or your clients' / friends' / families' eyesight and vision, safely and naturally.

Amino Acids

Amino Acids

List of amino acids by category. Building blocks of all peptides/proteins.



Blank Arc - 4 layers w/ Scale (Evaluate with Scale <10> - +10)

Deity dream response

Deity dream response

Title renamed to "Deity" to make gender neutral. For people who have the gifts of dreams. It guides you in the right direction of action. Use it with TYPE OF DREAM CHART, which you use first to determine the type of dream you had before using this chart. I use it for my work with my personal Deity. The Deities are the ones who send messages via dreams.

Cause of death

Cause of death

Updated to add "By giving birth". Use this chart to find true causes of death.

Books of the bible - chart 3

Books of the bible - chart 3

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. There are three charts in total. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

Books of the bible - chart 2

Books of the bible - chart 2

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. There are three charts in total. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

Books of the bible - chart 1

Books of the bible - chart 1

Use the chart if you have a message for yourself or others. Revised Standard Version is the preferred translation.

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