Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Leg Muscles

Leg Muscles

Front Lower Leg Muscles

Four Element

Four Element

Hermetics four elements chart - percentage on outer, Active & Passive mode, Positive & Negative polarity on inner

Affinity for dowsing

Affinity for dowsing

A small chart to be used at the beginning of a session to check one's affinity for the pendulum and the relevance of carrying out a search?

Angel number 111

Angel number 111

The meanings of angel number 111 and 1111

Blocks to manifestation

Blocks to manifestation

A chart to discover what blocks are preventing successful manifestation and change.

Chart of chakras

Chart of chakras

12 Chakra chart with open/closed strength indicator overlay. -50 being as wide/fast as a pendulum can spin Anticlockwise (opposite direction than nature intended, aka closed). 0 or 'on the line' is when the pendulum moves in a straight line, caught between yin and yang. +50 indicates a hyperactive open, which maybe an energy leak, or unhealthy otherwise on the other side of the spectrum as well . Verify your dowsing by holding your pendulum 2-4 inches above the location on your physical body (or a friend's :D) The energy of the chakra should start to pull the pendulum clockwise or Anticlockwise. If you're a beginner try giving it a bit of neutral motion (back and forth) so the energy can start the spin.

Dowsing status

Dowsing status

Check to See if you're ready to Dowse Accurately

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 Details of chart

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