Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Grow your business

Grow your business

Ask for guidance about ideas for growing your business

Spiritual issues

Spiritual issues

For almost complete spiritual and energetic healing. 44% of these came via intuition and are unheard of amid the humans.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Healing of various aspects of soul trauma. Activate one by one to 100% through higher self or healer guides. Some must be requested several times to fully complete. Continue if previous was completed (up to 2 minutes). Begin with inner child, soul retrieval, psychological health and merkabah activation.

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythm Chart

Meridian - Biorhythmic chart is used to find the energy level of the organs and its associated active time, emotion and emotions.

Nerves Cranial and Spinal

Nerves Cranial and Spinal

13 Cranial and 31 Spinal nerves of the human body.

Cat communication

Cat communication

Updated to include texts to help you determine where your missing cat is.

Complete (40) Spirit Animals chart

Complete (40) Spirit Animals chart

Determine your spirit animal:

Soul types chart

Soul types chart

Use the chart to determine the type of soul connection with the other person. Determine how many apply with the numbers supplied.

Star family origin

Star family origin

All homonids originate from lyron system. we volunteered to answer earths distress call from one of these four systems.

Love language

Love language

Identifying your love language

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 Details of chart

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