Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

What to Do

What to Do

A chart to help divide your time a little more wisely

Time of day

Time of day

Use to ascertain the time of day

Main starseed families

Main starseed families

What is your starseed family?

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

Healing of various aspects of soul trauma. Activate one by one to 100% through higher self or healer guides. Some must be requested several times to fully complete. Continue if previous was completed (up to 2 minutes). Begin with inner child, soul retrieval, psychological health and merkabah activation.

Deep-dive timelines, & more

Deep-dive timelines, & more

A universal All-You-Need intensive timeline pendulum divination chart to suit almost any situation. For futurology, because we all have free-will changeability, the closer to the target time you scry, the more accurate your result.

Positive Cognitions

Positive Cognitions

Positive cognitions (thought forms)

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 Details of chart

This application is mainly usable on PC,
You can try landscape mode
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