Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Top causes of migraines

Top causes of migraines

Functional Medicine Generated Chart of Migraines

Books to help heal your life

Books to help heal your life

Collection of Life changing books for everyone - can be read or on audible or audiobooks.



Locations & persons during life where & with whom a particular event happened

Gastrointestinal / digestive disorders

Gastrointestinal / digestive disorders

To Check Gastrointestinal Tract System Disorders

Personality traits

Personality traits

To check the personality of a person

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

To which spiritual divine essences do you resonate more with? the most common pantheons of divine essences, Divine Masculine/Femenine

Mother Tinctures

Mother Tinctures

Mother Tinctures Part 1 of 2

CUSTOM energy indexing chart

CUSTOM energy indexing chart

Energy category for object persons etc

Aura and Chakra Patterns of the Major Aspects of Character Structure

Aura and Chakra Patterns of the Major Aspects of Character Structure

Aura and Chakra Patterns of the Major Aspects of Character Structure as per BAB Hands of Light

Which energetic boundary(ies) is/are affected? How is it affected?

Which energetic boundary(ies) is/are affected? How is it affected?

You can use this chart to check on your energetic boundaries. Book of reference is Energetic Boundaries by Cyndi Dale.

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