Pendulum charts

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Aura identification chart

Aura identification chart

A basic chart for identifying the colors and health of auras

Body organs

Body organs

A chart to discover energetic imbalances in the organs

Quadrant conditions

Quadrant conditions

A chart for identifying blocks that prevent Lightbeings (our guides) providing help.



A Multi Chart for Guide Names

Toxic personalities

Toxic personalities

Is the person toxic? What is its degree of toxicity in %? What role in the field of toxicity? Translation from @Redje

Body glands

Body glands

The Endocrine System. Glands and Organs

Finding lost items in your house

Finding lost items in your house

To help find lost or miss placed in house.

Human needs 2

Human needs 2

What needs are not being Met?

Human needs

Human needs

What needs are not being met?

Emotional vibration love-based

Emotional vibration love-based

Check what love based vibration you are running.

Emotional vibration fear-based

Emotional vibration fear-based

Check what emotional vibration you are running.



From where you are getting answers

Negative Personality check

Negative Personality check

Negative personality traits in a person

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 Details of chart

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