Pendulum charts - Health Care

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Personality traits

Personality traits

To check the personality of a person

Personifications and themes

Personifications and themes

Various themes and personification of karma, trauma and necessities for healing



Check what you value personally. What values are out of balance? What values do I need to work on?

Upper teeth

Upper teeth

Upper teeth. Please note this is the reverse order of how the dentist sees our teeth. This order is how it is in the mouth. A great chart to dowse if there is an issue with a particular tooth.

Spinal Level Gateway #2

Spinal Level Gateway #2

This Chart Is Part 2 Of The Spinal Gateway For Spinal Blockages , This is the spinal level and symptoms of spinal blockages.

Spinal Gateways Chart #1

Spinal Gateways Chart #1

This is a chart based on gateways and blockages withn your spine. Here at the gateways and Nerve Supply . Chart #2 is the symptoms of spinal blockages and Spinal Level

Causal chart

Causal chart

Cause of issues any issues related to a being

Soul Groups

Soul Groups

What is the the main group my soul is part of? (it can be more than one sometimes).

Conditions terminologies Selector

Conditions terminologies Selector

Goes with the 6 Conditions Terminologies charts

Chakras issues

Chakras issues

The aura is also known as the ethereal body. Many issues are caused by sorcery.

Crystal healing 1

Crystal healing 1

Choose crystals for healing

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