Pendulum charts - Health Care

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Negative involvement

Negative involvement

Someone involved with what kind of people

Negative Personality check

Negative Personality check

Negative personality traits in a person

Sex drive levels and Libido

Sex drive levels and Libido

Chart for women to determine levels of base and current level of drive and desire.



Things you should be grateful for

Which energetic boundary(ies) is/are affected? How is it affected?

Which energetic boundary(ies) is/are affected? How is it affected?

You can use this chart to check on your energetic boundaries. Book of reference is Energetic Boundaries by Cyndi Dale.

Higher self common distress 2

Higher self common distress 2

Our Higher Selves are grieved about our ignorance and the chart guides you into reconciling with your Higher Self

Darkside accouterments 1

Darkside accouterments 1

These are the various implants, attachments and modifiers that the Darkside insert into/onto us to cause PERMANENT issues. Identify the issues and have them removed. An average human has about 51% of the issues within the charts.

Spiritual issues - Assertiveness melancholia

Spiritual issues - Assertiveness melancholia

Expanded version of the previous SPIRITUAL ISSUES CHART and fixed errors For almost complete spiritual and energetic healing. 44% of these came via intuition and are unheard of amid the humans.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

A Chart for testing the appropriate Chinese medicine modalities for horses

Crystal healing 1

Crystal healing 1

Choose crystals for healing

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