Pendulum charts - Dowsing

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Chart of Numbers

Chart of Numbers

For everything related to numbers. This chart is the general chart for numbers and numbers.

Chart of Hours

Chart of Hours

For any request concerning day or night hours

Deep fears

Deep fears

Check what fears are affecting your life now? Clear to zero.

Symptoms for Disease

Symptoms for Disease

Chart to determine underlying causes of disease.



Gemstone Selection for Healing and Energy

Mainly astrological modalities

Mainly astrological modalities

Is it really written in the stars, for you, your clients, your family and friends ? Months, star signs, elements, modalities, more... May your moonglow never wane.

Right Questions

Right Questions

Help in asking the right questions. Getting useful answers.

Articles and prepositions

Articles and prepositions

I created the angelic colours chart, and this chart is created to assist me in describing the appearances of the Archangels.

Angelic colours

Angelic colours

The chart was created to determine the colours of the 81 Archangels in the other charts. There are only colour descriptions of a few Archangels.



Which kind of meditation would be good to do

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 Details of chart

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