Pendulum charts - Naturopathy

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Australian Living Flower Essences

Australian Living Flower Essences

Homeopathy & Essences Harmonizing Negativity

Carrier oils

Carrier oils

Selecting the combination of a blended carrier oils for the best result

Diy dog food chart

Diy dog food chart

DIY Dog Food Chart - meat source, dietary component, preparation, and percentages. Included 0-10 range for testing and ranking.

Homeopathic minerals

Homeopathic minerals

Jan Sholten's Element Theory

Heavy metal toxins

Heavy metal toxins

Identify heavy metals that may be causing problems

Australian bush flower essences combinations

Australian bush flower essences combinations

Australian Bush Flower Essences Combinations

Alaskan Flower Chart - Who Am I?

Alaskan Flower Chart - Who Am I?

Homeopathy & Essences Topic: Who Am I?

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