Pendulum charts - Naturopathy

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Carrier Oil For Essential Oils (Slow Absorption)

Carrier Oil For Essential Oils (Slow Absorption)

Slow Absorption Rate when mixed with essential oils

Schlusser salts

Schlusser salts

Overview of Schlüsser Salts. Q: Which of the Schlüsser salts helps and supports me to improve my actual physical condition, all in my highest good? Grey (1-12) Basic Schlüsser Salts // 13 - 27 : New Schlüsser salts 2019 // 28 - 33 newest 2020

Fats and Oils

Fats and Oils

A list of different fats and oils. Use to see which are causing the body issues.

Aloha Hawaiian Flower Essences - Spiritual Development

Aloha Hawaiian Flower Essences - Spiritual Development

Homeopathy and Essences Topic: Spiritual Development

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