Spiritual hinderances - spirits

Spiritual hinderances - spirits

Classified in : Subtle world

Display the contents of the chart

Group     Sensory Desire
     Ill Will-Hatred
     Doubt-Fear Restlessness
     Other/Not on Chart
New group 1     0-5
New group 2     Mental

Shared dowsing chart by Michael_Keleman, the 10/10/2021 -  Licence CC Attribution-NonCommercial

To discover

Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.


Persons in your life

Deity dialogue

Updated the heading of the chart to make it gender neutral. This chart was refined based on experience and instructions from the Deity. Where you see "Request...", the Deity is asking you to ask her/him to protect/heal/transmute, bless you, etc.

Who is Guiding Me Right Now?

Know who is present guiding you on specific topic

Angelic pre-dowse & status

The chart was updated based on our communication with our personal Archangel. Use the chart to determine your status prior to and during dowsing for accuracy.

Alien Races

According to indigenous elders, there are 68 Star Races involved on Earth. I know only these, but welcome more input from others. Light violet are aligned with the planetary evolutionary agreement; dark violet are Galactic Federation, here to support the evolution.

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 Details of chart

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