Pendulum charts - Subtle world

Easily create and share dowsing / pendulum charts

Identify guides or loved ones

Identify guides or loved ones

Use this to learn about Spirit Guides or Loved Ones on the Other Side

Soul Groups

Soul Groups

What is the the main group my soul is part of? (it can be more than one sometimes).



God/Goddesses who are guiding me. See individual pantheon charts

99 names of Allah or God 2

99 names of Allah or God 2

Second set of 99 names of God in Arabic and English. Allah's Names - Ismu Allah (in 9's). Two charts. Use to choose focus for zikr practice.

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

Pantheons of divine essences of the world

To which spiritual divine essences do you resonate more with? the most common pantheons of divine essences, Divine Masculine/Femenine



For the cosmic savvys



Formerly 'Archangels' charts. Having gone through deceptions and finally arrived at the Truth, all Archangels are Gods, hence the name Yah. The 'el' had been removed as it was out of disrespect by the Darksidethat the Yah'wehs has -el added to the end of their names because 'el' has demonic connotations.

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