What my pet is saying
Updated the ultimate pet communicator.
Classified in : Dowsing
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Ah, this is the life!
Aw, ruffle me please
Aw, pet me please
Can I sleep with you?
Don’t touch me please
Got anything to nibble?
Got treats?
I am happy!
I am missing you
I don’t know what possessed me
I don’t like the food
I don’t like the visitor
I feel abused
I feel aggressive
I feel ashamed
I feel like a snack
I feel nauseated
I feel neglected
I feel silly
I feel threatened
I feel uncomfortable
I have passed-on
I just want to sunbathe
I love the way you love me!
I love you!
I need quiet time
I need to defecate
I need to get out
I need to sleep
I need your attention
I want my dinner
I want to bond with you
I want your love!
I was having fun!
I’ll bite someone!
I’m bored
I’m cold
I’m fine, really
I’m held by strangers
I’m hungry
I’m in a lot of pain!
I’m incarcerated at the welfare
I’m just chilling
I’m lost
I’m sick
I’m so excited
I’m sterilised!
I’m stuck somewhere
I’m thirsty
I’m unable to give love
I’m unable to receive love
It wasn’t me!
Let go of me
Let us bond now
Let’s get lost in love
Let’s go for a walk
No trespassers!
Please play with me?
Please spend time with me?
Shall we snuggle?
Something bothers me
Sterilisation affected my health
There are spirits here
What’s up?
Why have you mutilated me?
You are irritating me
You're my best friend
You're puurfect!
You're the best!
To discover
offers a biometer generator and a space to share dowsing charts.
All the charts available on the site can be downloaded and printed
💙 Thanks to all users for this wonderful comm'one!