Universal switch words 1
Classified in : Dowsing
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AGREGAR - “To increase; to boost what you have”
AJUSTAR - “deal with an unpleasant situation effectively”
SOLA-SOLO to promote healing
ALREDEDOR better perspective
ATENCIÓN “pay attention to detail”
ENTRE discover/boost psychic ability
SER good health / peace of mind
BLUFF “reduce or dispel anxiety, fear or nervousness”
CANCELAR any unwanted condition
CUIDAR “o remember; to retain information”
CAMBIAR anything else unwanted
RISITA “personal confidence; to turn on personality”
CLÁSICO appear cultured
CONTINUAR “increase endurance; to swim”
CONSIDERAR to diagnose
COPIAR “have good taste; to boost fertility”
CONTAR “make money; to cut down smoking”
CUBRIR “subdue excitement; to calm nerves”
MULTITUD “get your children to follow orders”
CURVA make beautiful / self-esteem
CORTAR “moderate behaviour; to curb excesses”
DIVINO “work miracles; to enhance your strengths”
HACER beat procrastination
HECHO “meet a deadline; to boost willpower”
ABAJO “humility; to stop bragging”
AGACHADO reduce hypersensitivity
VENIR “turn a setback to your advantage”
PELEA “win in a competition”
ENCUENTRA “To amass a fortune”
PARA To promote
SIEMPRE - PARA SIEMPRE keep a secret
RISITA “get in the mood for writing”
DAR “sell and to be generous; to be a helper”
GUARDIA “protect personal space or property”
HO sigh; to relax
SOSTENER “maximise positive character traits”
AGUJERO “boost charisma; to be attractive”
JUEZ improve understanding
APRENDER “instant youthful attitude and appearance”
ESCUCHAR predict the future
MAGNANIMIDAD “generosity; to stop petty attitudes”
MOVER sudden energy
SIGUIENTE “complete a detailed, repetitive task”
AHORA beat procrastination
ENCHUFADO ‘green-light’ Switchword
PERSONAL To publish a successfully
POSPONER stop a sulk
FELICITAR “make yourself like your body”
PONER build or develop
ALCANZAR to find
INVERTIR to move on
RIDICULO promote successfully
AHORRAR - SALVAR stop drinking
SISTEMA “design; to advertise; to produce”
MOSTRAR be sincere
DESPACIO “have patience and wisdom”
SOFISTICAR increase success
GASTAR “dress well; to improve appearance”
EXTENDER “sustain a good feeling” “prolong a winning streak”
EXPERIMENTAR “manage success and prosperity”
DULCE calming influence
BALANCEAR “courage; to confront a situation”
GIRAR relieve constipation
TOMAR - ASUMIR cultivate leadership
PULSAR - PINCHAR “convert or persuade someone”
GRACIAS “stop regretting the past”
PEQUEÑITO “be kind, polite and considerate”
JUNTOS - JUNTO “brings whatever you want”
MAÑANA stop remorse
TÍO “retain sense of self during feeling a negative influence
ARRIBA confidence
ESPERAR - ESPERA learn a secret
DERROCHAR appear wealthy
VER - OBSERVAR learn a skill
APAGADO sleep or break a bad habit; the ‘quit’ Switch”
CON “compatibility; to get on with other people”
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